Welcome to the Eastern MRCPCH Mock Clinical Exam website.
Highlights of this course
We have been running the course for five years now and have a very successful track record in preparing candidates for the exam.
Highlights of this course
- Average of 12-15 candidates on the course- candidates will tackle the clinical stations on their own (occasionally in pairs) instead of in a large group. This allows us to provide personalised feedback on examination technique.
- This course is consultant-led and the stations will be run by consultants, most of whom are senior college examiners.
- A wide variety of clinical cases- our patients are recruited from the local patient population.
- Run like the real examination with examiners marking on score sheets- difference being that feedback is given immediately after the station.
- Circuits including history-taking, development and communication stations
We have been running the course for five years now and have a very successful track record in preparing candidates for the exam.